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Some more info on the “World Saving” vaccine.
Quote: @VikingOracle said:
First off, of course the media will target any kind of study that doesn’t fit the narrative they want out there.  Second, the vaccine does absolutely nothing to prevent Covid to begin with, so their comparison doesn’t matter at all.  Maybe Covid does show increased risk.  Then, getting the vaccine just adds more risk on top of that. Clumsy journalism and conclusions at best.  It’s fascinating that all of the lies that have come from the govt and unscientific studies that led people to wear muzzles and inject poison into five year olds didn’t receive any scrutiny.   But, publish one thing against the official narrative and they’ll attack the “science.”  Lol


For those actually tracking the science.  Nothing definitive, but certainly not something to fire physicians for…. Lol

For those vaccine freeloaders out there: (The Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine directed at COVID-19 is much better than natural infection at revving up key immune cells called killer T cells to fight future infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Stanford Medicine investigators have found.) (The study showed that vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 related hospital admissions was 93% for full vaccination and 70% for partial vaccination. Of the 379 COVID-19 patients, 334 were not vaccinated, 40 were partially vaccinated and 5 were fully vaccinated. All fully vaccinated patients and 39 out of 40 partly vaccinated patients had an underlying health condition. Many of the unvaccinated patients also had underlying health conditions. This was not the case for 14% of the unvaccinated patients. There were no ICU admissions among fully vaccinated COVID-19 patients. 19% of the unvaccinated patients ended up in the ICU.) (This study provides further evidence that the primary vaccination series using the COVID-19 vaccine products evaluated in this study is effective against preventing the most severe COVID-19 outcomes. These findings underscore the importance of widespread and equitable access to these life-saving vaccines.) (Risk of death involving COVID-19 in England has been consistently lower for people who had at least a third vaccine dose or booster 21 days or more ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with only a first or second dose.)


Yeah nothing is happening.

Many will be held accountable. Laugh your a$$es off all you like.

Anyone up for a round of golf?

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
For those vaccine freeloaders out there: (The Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine directed at COVID-19 is much better than natural infection at revving up key immune cells called killer T cells to fight future infection by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Stanford Medicine investigators have found.) (The study showed that vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 related hospital admissions was 93% for full vaccination and 70% for partial vaccination. Of the 379 COVID-19 patients, 334 were not vaccinated, 40 were partially vaccinated and 5 were fully vaccinated. All fully vaccinated patients and 39 out of 40 partly vaccinated patients had an underlying health condition. Many of the unvaccinated patients also had underlying health conditions. This was not the case for 14% of the unvaccinated patients. There were no ICU admissions among fully vaccinated COVID-19 patients. 19% of the unvaccinated patients ended up in the ICU.) (This study provides further evidence that the primary vaccination series using the COVID-19 vaccine products evaluated in this study is effective against preventing the most severe COVID-19 outcomes. These findings underscore the importance of widespread and equitable access to these life-saving vaccines.) (Risk of death involving COVID-19 in England has been consistently lower for people who had at least a third vaccine dose or booster 21 days or more ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with only a first or second dose.)

So, you have a collection of studies saying old / unhealthy people benefit from not being as likely to die directly from Covid-19 while for the most part ignoring the fact that the all-death rate is spiraling among all age groups?  I don't see mentions of the obvious side-effects that are now being consistently revealed even by Big Pharma themselves as they're being forced to show their data.  Also, I'd love to see the amount of dollars these studies have pulled in from the governments informing them of the party line.  It's a fact that our own CDC has been complicit with Big Pharma and Universities in fabricating numerous lies and omitting data about the efficacy and dangers of the vaccine.  Time has proven every single thing the government told us was at best inaccurate and at worst outright fabricated.  It's not even open to debate at this point with the proven collusion on twitter, and the obvious collusion with Social and Mainstream media from the highest levels of our government.   So, you can post 30 links telling us how great this vaccine has been because the government and media have colluded for that to be all they want you to see.  It falls on deaf ears at this point.  It's kind of like a spouse who cheated on you ten times claiming innocence when accused of doing it the 11th time.  Only a person who can't think critically would buy the story.  When the govt comes clean and admits their part in fabricating a massive lie to the world, the CDC may start to regain some credibility, but they've already lost so much ground, that it may be unrecoverable.  In the meantime, you can jab yourself all you want.  When allowed to be viewed by bypassing the algorithms of google, the data clearly shows that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine.  It wasn't even recognized at the time Joe wanted everyone to lose their jobs if they didn't get jabs.  People on your side were labeling those that refused the "experiment" as morally corrupt and bad people.  Even people like you that are grasping at straws at this point have to acknowledge the vaccine is totally irrelevant in terms of getting and spreading covid which was the basis for the government trying to force everyone into compliance, and for your side to lose their minds and want those who didn't get the jab to die immediately from Covid.  Now, we see worldwide that people's eyes have been opened.  The average human being around the world is less and less likely to get jabbed every day.   All trust is loss with a very high % of the people.  It's undeniable and obvious and under-reported because they don't want all the questions that need answers to be brought up again.  

COVID vaccine fatigue: Study explores why many are refusing booster shots | Fox News

Maybe Joe should be worrying about another Vaccine that's slipping by the goalie, one that actually works.  

Half of Illegals Flooding New York City Are Not Vaccinated Against Potentially Deadly Poliovirus | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

It's such a shame that "science" has become so politicized these days.  The reality is there are studies on both sides of the mRNA vaccines and natural immunity..usually designed to facilitate the desired study outcome.  Whatever happened to the scientific method where there is no "settled science"...just what we know today? All science is intended to grow through vigorous examination of what we know today.  The reality is there is no "settled science" on the side effects of the so called vaccines.  Anyone that watches tv knows there are routinely lawsuits against other drugs which went through the normal lengthy approval process.  Do you really agree that vaccines developed under emergency authorization aren't potentially harmful?  I sure don't.  This shouldn't be about politics...this should be about science..but it isn't because viewpoints have become so polarized.

My current thoughts on the various scientific discussions:

mRNA vaccines likely have unintended side effects but do reduce the severity of infection. 
Covid originated from the lab not from some unrelated wet market.
Wearing non sterile, non surgical masks has no effect on Covid and has unintended negative effects.
Climate change due to CO2 emissions is not settled science...because no science is settled
At some point in pregnancy, it's unconscionable to not believe a prenatal baby is anything but a human..and should be afforded rights.
There are only two sexes

Just my two cents.


Quote: @badgervike said:
It's such a shame that "science" has become so politicized these days.  The reality is there are studies on both sides of the mRNA vaccines and natural immunity..usually designed to facilitate the desired study outcome.  Whatever happened to the scientific method where there is no "settled science"...just what we know today? All science is intended to grow through vigorous examination of what we know today.  The reality is there is no "settled science" on the side effects of the so called vaccines.  Anyone that watches tv knows there are routinely lawsuits against other drugs which went through the normal lengthy approval process.  Do you really agree that vaccines developed under emergency authorization aren't potentially harmful?  I sure don't.  This shouldn't be about politics...this should be about science..but it isn't because viewpoints have become so polarized.

My current thoughts on the various scientific discussions:

mRNA vaccines likely have unintended side effects but do reduce the severity of infection. 
Covid originated from the lab not from some unrelated wet market.
Wearing non sterile, non surgical masks has no effect on Covid and has unintended negative effects.
Climate change due to CO2 emissions is not settled science...because no science is settled
At some point in pregnancy, it's unconscionable to not believe a prenatal baby is anything but a human..and should be afforded rights.
There are only two sexes

Just my two cents.
The only one I even take pause in totally agreeing with you on is the first where I would slightly disagree with the second part to include the wording "in certain age and health demographics".  I don't believe it does one thing for healthy individuals below 40-50 unless big pharma Luckily predicts the coming variant correctly.  This is something they have really been chasing rather than leading since the initial variant.  Otherwise, I couldn't agree with you more, and yeah science went away when Lord Fauci decided to say that science was being applied in dealing with Covid.  Any moron knows particularly with viruses like this that science evolves.  But he was so great that he instantly knew what was best for all of us.  He's a f..king moron who should get life in front of a firing squad.  He's up there on the list of Americans who have caused irreparable harm to our country as he has weaponized the government against the people.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@badgervike said:
It's such a shame that "science" has become so politicized these days.  The reality is there are studies on both sides of the mRNA vaccines and natural immunity..usually designed to facilitate the desired study outcome.  Whatever happened to the scientific method where there is no "settled science"...just what we know today? All science is intended to grow through vigorous examination of what we know today.  The reality is there is no "settled science" on the side effects of the so called vaccines.  Anyone that watches tv knows there are routinely lawsuits against other drugs which went through the normal lengthy approval process.  Do you really agree that vaccines developed under emergency authorization aren't potentially harmful?  I sure don't.  This shouldn't be about politics...this should be about science..but it isn't because viewpoints have become so polarized.

My current thoughts on the various scientific discussions:

mRNA vaccines likely have unintended side effects but do reduce the severity of infection. 
Covid originated from the lab not from some unrelated wet market.
Wearing non sterile, non surgical masks has no effect on Covid and has unintended negative effects.
Climate change due to CO2 emissions is not settled science...because no science is settled
At some point in pregnancy, it's unconscionable to not believe a prenatal baby is anything but a human..and should be afforded rights.
There are only two sexes

Just my two cents.
The only one I even take pause in totally agreeing with you on is the first where I would slightly disagree with the second part to include the wording "in certain age and health demographics".  I don't believe it does one thing for healthy individuals below 40-50 unless big pharma Luckily predicts the coming variant correctly.  This is something they have really been chasing rather than leading since the initial variant.  Otherwise, I couldn't agree with you more, and yeah science went away when Lord Fauci decided to say that science was being applied in dealing with Covid.  Any moron knows particularly with viruses like this that science evolves.  But he was so great that he instantly knew what was best for all of us.  He's a f..king moron who should get life in front of a firing squad.  He's up there on the list of Americans who have caused irreparable harm to our country as he has weaponized the government against the people.
Do what you think you should do for yourself and your family and others should do the same.  The vaccine doesn't stop the spread of the virus and in some cases has contributed to asymptomatic transfer to people in risk categories.  I'm triple vaccinated and have had Covid I'm fairly invincible at this point.  I have Lupus so wasn't worth the risk earlier.  Will I get another booster at some point?  Not sure.  I don't get the flu shot and I think with improvements in Covid treatment and availability of therapeutics, that's really what we're talking about these days.  Btw - Biden and Co. should have continued the Operation Warp Speed for Therapeutics...but failed to do so.  We could have saved lives but there were other priorities for that Covid money. 

Flu doesn't normally kill anyone that doesn't have comorbidities nor does Covid anymore. You can blame Fauci for a lot but I don't blame him for the early lockdowns and scary predictions to try to get people to vaccinate until we could get a handle on the virus and its implications.  I think the end justified the means on that.  Protecting China/Wuhan, extended lockdowns, vaccine recommendations for healthy kids are all extremely questionable and in some cases borderline criminal.

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