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OT: $hit hitting the fan in Middle East
My own pov is this...

Trump or Biden; any standing POTUS would be (should be) trying to keep this from spinning out of control more than it has...

I dont think there is any question of the fortitude of US backing of Israel as did the French and British. Yesterday and before that.  They all played roles in either shooting shit out of the sky or tracking assistance to shoot shit out of the sky or in space. 

I guess some will question that with the politics in Washington, linkage to Israeli aid to aid for Ukraine etc.

Iran crossed a serious line yesterday and their play was not in any way proportionate to losing a few generals at a council building in Syria.

5, 10, 20 cruise missiles, may be a measured response. 300 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles? That was meant to damage cities and kill civilians. I suspect they significantly underestimated how much of a fail this would be militarily and casualty wise.

On the flip-side, I strongly disagree with how Bibi has handled Gaza. I am a backer of Israel, but no way of Netanyahu. He needs to go and the Palestinians deserve a homeland.

Of course everyone has an opinion on what Israel should or should not do next. Bolton was on record saying this was Israels open door moment to go after Iranian nuke capability. Thats pretty hard-line, but if successful, might buy the world 2 or 3 more years is all. IMO it would ratchet the heat up a bunch more too.

China is helping fuel Iran by buying their oil - to the tune of billions of $$$ every year. That needs to be shut down. How do we do that???

It's 1938 all over again and the world is at war (well almost);
Axis = Iran, Russia, China, NK

Its just a matter of when people actually realize it.

Israel will exact a price for the attack. Will this accelerate a wider war? We probably wont have to wait long.

(04-14-2024, 10:27 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: There's money to be made backing both sides,   especially for the large campaign contributors.

(04-14-2024, 03:24 PM)purplefaithful Wrote: My own pov is this...

Trump or Biden; any standing POTUS would be trying to keep this from spinning out of control more than it has...

I dont think there is any question of the fortitude of US backing of Israel as did the French and British. Yesterday and before that.  They all played roles in either shooting shit out of the sky or tracking assistance to shoot shit out of the sky or in space. 

I guess some will question that with the politics in Washington, linkage to Israeli aid to aid for Ukraine etc.

Iran crossed a serious line yesterday and their play was not in any way proportionate to losing a few generals at a council building in Syria.

5, 10, 20 cruise missiles, maybe a measured response. 200 cruise missiles, drones and ballistic missiles? That was meant to damage cities and kill civilians. I suspect they significantly underestimated how much of a fail this would be militarily and casualty wise.

On the flip-side, I strongly disagree with how Bibi has handled Gaza. I am a backer of Israel, but no way of Netanyahu. He needs to go and the Palestinians deserve a homeland.

Of course everyone has an opinion on what Israel should or should not do next. Bolton was on record saying this was Israels open door moment to go after Iranian nuke capability. Thats pretty hard-line, but if successful, might buy the world 2 or 3 more years is all. IMO it would ratchet the heat up a bunch more too.

China is helping fuel Iran by buying their oil - to the tune of billions of $$$ every year. That needs to be shut down.

It's 1938 all over again and the world is at war
Axis = Iran, Russia, China, NK

Its just a matter of when people actually realize it. Will our leaders be Neville Chamberlain or Winston Churchill??

I'm also a backer of Israel...but, I actually see NO need for a "Palestine", and I think it's basically been a sham all along.

They DIDN'T take the deal in 1948, tried to get every army in the area to murder Israel out of existence, failed, and have played the victim ever since.  At some point, they just fuggin' LOSE.

They tried to take over Jordan, murdered their PM in 1970. They're a big reason Lebanon is the huge mess it is right now, and they were backing Saddam in Kuwait when Desert Shield/Storm went down.

They had the Palestinian Authortity teaching their kids to hate/kill Jews and martyr themselves, right in their own texbooks...the EU busted them in 2017 and 2022, on top of the UNRWA horrors we've had exposed more recently.

They have elected both hezbollah and hamas as "leadership", when both were recognized terrorist puppet clubs of Iran's...and have enabled the (literally) thousands of missiles and other attacks that have rained into Israel for the entire time.

Israel left functioning water treatment/plumbing and greenhouses when they handed Gaza over, almost 20 years ago. The water piping was "repurposed" for improvised rocket launchers, the greenhouses destroyed, and people shriek at Israel for the water/food issues....

Look...I, also, despise Bibi, and was calling for his head when he tried to neuter the country's courts right before the 10/7 nightmare occurred. That said...a HUGE amount of Gaza's problems are directly due to hamas' ongoing s**tshow, which is always a tragedy to be played out for the press. Israel literally cannot win the PR battle in the eyes of the stupid/gullible/antisemitic, so I think they should seriously limit their efforts to do so. Act decisively, act effectively, stay within international law, but get the assclown leaders of hamas off the board and rescue whoever's actually left among the hostages...ASAFP.
Wait, we failed to protect our QB in big games, again? 



IDF hit Iranian embassy in proxy Syria, took out 2 Iranian Generals.
Iran retaliated, rained bomb/strikes, killing one Arab peacefully living in Israel. Good trade!
"Iran's Retaliation" proved incredibly weak sauce.

Trump's Abraham Accords have proven Iran is acting alone. (Well, they got Syria/Hezbollah/Hamas)

Nothing coming of this latest waste of attention, imo.

To those of you worried about "escalation", the USS Bataan Marine Expeditionary Unit Leatherneck Marines, DevilDogs) are standing by, to implement our "interests."

Keep pushing it, Iran Mullahs.
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I really don't see this failing to get to really noisy, bloody vigilantism sooner rather than later. The "Palestinian" sympathizers always get to this point, but it's spread further and more populated than ever before.

The truly stupid, horrible parts of this are, to me, that so many of the same people being led by their nose rings in these marches and chants that are increasingly anti-Western would be first against the wall in the very society they think they're shrieking for.
Wait, we failed to protect our QB in big games, again? 


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